Detailed Steps to add Zapier Integration

What karma Triggers and Actions are Supported?

Supported Triggers

  • None yet!

Supported Actions

  • Create Task - Creates a new task.
  • Create Contact - Creates a new contact, despite duplicate check options selected within your karma account. 
  • Create Company - Creates a new company, despite duplicate check options selected within your karma account. 
  • Find Contact - Finds an existing contact based on email address. Optionally, will create one if none are found. 
  • Find Company - Finds an existing contact based on email address. Optionally, will create one if none are found. 

How to Get Started with karmaCRM on Zapier

Getting started with karmaCRM on Zapier needs a little bit of set up on your WordPress dashboard first, but with these steps, you will be able to get your Zap up and running.

System Requirements

  • Paid Basic or higher plan
  • Account owner or admin status

Setting up the Trigger

Step 1

In your Zapier account, create a new Zap by clicking the "Make a Zap!"" button and choosing the app that you would like to connect. 

Step 2

Select what action will trigger the zap for the app that you are connecting.

Step 3

Connect and verify your account for the zap.

Step 4

You will need to test the connection. On screen instructions will help based on the app you are connecting.

Setting up the Action

Step 1

Select karmaCRM as your Action app. 

Step 2

Select an Action within karma.

Step 3

Connect your karma account. You will need to go to Settings > My Settings and copy and paste your entire API key, and paste it into Zapier

Step 4

You now need to map the fields based on your trigger. Fill in at least the first name, last name, and email address fields. The more fields you select now, the less data you will need to add down the road.  

You will be taken to a tab where you can copy the Web Hook URL.

Step 5

Verify the fields match up proper, and send to karma. When you have a green box saying the test is successful, you are good to go!

Step 6

Make sure to turn the zap off and you are done!

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